Conservation Status: Not Threatened

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Fur black dorsally and ventrally, with a starkly contrasting U-shaped mantle of white fur descending from the shoulders and running across the lower back; black face fringed with white hair; end of tail white
Body: male 24.5 inches, female 23 inches; Tail: male 26.5 inches, female 27.5 inches
Male 29 pounds 12 ounces; Female 20 pounds 5 ounces
Average Lifespan:
20 years
Captive Lifespan:
29 years
Nigeria to Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo into Sudan and Ethiopia; Uganda; Kenya; Tanzania
Primary and secondary rainforest, gallery forest and wooded grassland, including some forested areas with a prolonged dry season
Year-round. Polygynous.
6 months
Litter/Clutch Size:
4 years in females, 6 years in males
Leaves and fruit
- Diurnal
- Arboreal
- Territorial
- Males migrate from natal group at maturity.
1. They are icons of sacred Gods in the Hindu and Buddhist religions
2. Their fur is harvested in some cultures and brought money to the fur and trade companies
Our colobus family consists of mom Nairobi, dad Usi, brother Freddie, and sister Viazi.
Nairobi, the mama, came to Binder Park Zoo in 2018 to breed with our resident male, Usi. She's a pretty laid-back mom who allows her kiddos to explore quite a bit on their own, but she does step in and help if need be. Her favorite treats are red skinned potatoes, cooked sweet potatoes, and peanuts... but Viazi, her youngest, has become quite skilled at stealing the potatoes from her!
Born on opening day in 2015, keepers stepped in to hand rear Usi when his mother did not show maternal instincts. Usi went from a tiny little monkey with a fighting chance to a proud papa that loves to play with his kids. You can often find Usi playing with Freddie, but his true love will always be his rattles and baby keys!
Freddie was the first offspring for Nairobi and Usi. He's a big fan of training with his keepers and mastered skills such as hand injection training. He loves wrestling with his little sister, Viazi.
Viazi is the second offspring of mom Nairobi and dad Usi. She likes to give her keepers heart attacks by climbing super high into the habitat. She is a very independent little monkey and seems like she has no fear.
Colobus monkeys prefer to spend time in the trees and their diet consists of a wide variety of greens.