Zoo Teens

Experience the Zoo Like Never Before!

Binder Park Zoo offers a fun, educational, and meaningful summer adventure for teenagers at our zoo. Binder Park Zoo Teens have the opportunity to expand job knowledge and gain experience for up to 40 total hours between June 1 and September 1, 2024. Choose to help people and animals.


No matter the task, we believe it’s essential for Zoo Teens to experience positive challenges in a rewarding environment that will help them in their future endeavors. Below are two departments that are offered:

Animal Care


Zoo Teens | Animal Care

Zookeepers depend on Zoo Teens to aid with a variety of tasks including cleaning exhibit areas, preparing diets, cleaning dishes, feeding certain animals and learning ways to enrich the daily lives of animals at the zoo.  Some areas may be more appealing than others but all are designed to give you an understanding of the daily duties of a Zookeeper.

Education Programs


Zoo Teens | Education Programs

Education is at the forefront of connecting guests to nature and inspiring conservation. When working with education staff and zoo guests you will have a hand in educating about animals, preservation of species, eco-friendly practices, and so much more! A friendly smile and helpful attitude will enhance their experience and help them remember all they’ve learned at the zoo!

Thank you for your interest in the Zoo Teen program! Registration for 2024 is closed. Please check back after this season to register for 2025!

Binder Park Zoo takes pride in being a conservation-minded organization and we would like to invite you to “Think Green” when visiting the zoo.

Some ways you can "Think Green" while visiting the zoo are:

  • Bring a reusable water bottle - the zoo has multiple water refill stations for your convenience
  • Throw all trash away in a trash bin
  • Recycle what you can
  • Consider carpooling with friends or family to the zoo instead of using multiple vehicles