BLUE POISON DART FROGDendrobates azureus
Conservation Status: Low Risk / Least Concern

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Royal blue limbs with a sky blue background, peppered with both large and small black spots
30-45 millimeters with females being larger
3-5 grams
Average Lifespan:
Up to 5 years
Captive Lifespan:
Over 12 years
Native to a small forest fragment within the Sipaliwini Protected Area, in the Gebroeders Mountain range of Suriname.
Tropical rainforest
February- March
14-18 days to hatch; 2-3 months until metamorphose
Litter/Clutch Size:
2-6 eggs
2 years
Ants, mites, small beetles, small flies, springtails and tiny spiders.
Active in early mornings at first light and in late afternoon, particularly on rainy days.
1. Their captive diet does not include invertebrates with toxic compounds, so the frogs have lost the poison in their skin.
2. When the eggs develop into tadpoles, both the male and female will carry the tadpoles on their backs to water pools within plants, such as bromeliads.
3. The female returns repeatedly to each tadpole and lays an unfertilized egg for the tadpole to eat.
4. The blue poison dart frog has four toes on each foot, with enlarged suction cup tips on each toe. In females these tips are rounded whereas in males they are heart-shaped.